Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The weather in Las Vegas is really great this time of year! I'm working with the guys in my tenor group, T4U, in preparation for a Christmas concert at my church. Good natured guys with heart, each one of them. Also rehearsing with my friend Bud Crystal tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing Bud for I have not seen him for several weeks. I'm working on Christmas music and 2 different concerts, opera highlights both of them. One in Illinois and one in Florida. Much fun!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Enjoyed working on my Strauss and Liszt songs today for my recital. Beautiful music for a beautiful day! Later, in the evening I was called by a "political pollster" who seemed to have biased questions about Senator Reid. The final question was whether I was going to support the Tea Party or oppose the Tea Party. I said I would not support the Tea Party but not oppose them either. The "pollster" wrote down that I oppose the Tea Party. It seems to me this was a bogus poll done by someone or a group of people trying to get bad press out on all candidates but the Tea Party candidate. I am now definitely against the Tea Party! Manipulation up the butt! I need a shower!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Currently enjoying the beginning of a beautiful Nevada fall. It helps to be working on AI of Tosca with a performance of "Recondita armonia" followed by the duet "Mario! Mario! Mario!" with one of my more advanced students singing the role of Tosca. That performance is this Friday, the 15th, at 8 PM at Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic Church. Just happen to have a concert the same day at 12 noon, at Lloyd George Federal Courthouse. It's free and open to the public in the Jury Selection Room. The music will be oper, operetta, Broadway and some jazz. I'm really busy on Friday, yikes!

Friday, September 17, 2010

I've been working out about 4 times out of the week at the gym, lifting weights, doing crunches and ending with about 20 minutes of some kind of cardio. 2 days ago I did not lift something quite correctly and pulled a muscle that wraps from the small of my back into my left glute and hip. It seized up on me last night...not good! I got up, made some coffee and began trying to figure out some way to treat this when, WHAM!, it came to me...Sport Creme. Sport Creme good, pulled/strained muscles bad! It works.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

After returning from Mercatello, Italy, about a month and half ago, I am definitely back into the swing of things at home here in Henderson, NV. Music, teaching, practicing, working on my 'honey do' list, visiting with my sons and daughter-in-law, etc. all has been terrific.

But, I do miss the people from Mercatello who are very warm hearted and expressive! That and the schedule of working several hours, taking a long lunch break, then a rest for about 30-45 minutes followed by a few more hours of work, aperativo, a little more work and finally dinner with friends. There was gorgeous countryside and wonderful experiences culturally, musically and building new friendships.

Still, its good to be home!